How do I renew books or other library materials?


How Do I Renew Library Items?

In order to avoid late fines you should always return or renew your library items by the date they are due. Most items checked out from Framingham State or another Minuteman Library Network (MLN) library can be renewed. There are several options:

  • In the library at the Circulation desk. It is not necessary to bring the items with you. You just need to tell the person working at the Circulation desk that you want to renew.
  • By telephone. Call the Circulation desk at 508-626-4650 during any of the hours that the library is open.
  • Through the library catalog's "My Account". If you encounter any problems renewing through the catalog, contact the Circulation desk.  


  • Interlibrary Loan items - any item obtained from a library outside of Framingham State or the Minuteman Network cannot automatically be renewed. You must check with the Interlibrary Loan coordinator before the item is due. The coordinator will then check with the owning library to see if the item can be renewed.
  • Number of renewals - any Framingham State or MLN item checked out at Framingham State can be renewed two times only. After two renewals items will have to be returned.
  • Item requested by another patron - if an item has been requested by any other patron, it cannot be renewed.


  • Last Updated May 09, 2024
  • Views 155
  • Answered By Lori Wolfe

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