Where can I find scholarly journal articles?
Scholarly journal, or peer-reviewed, articles can be found in a number of resources available from the library.
The first option is to use RamSearch, which searches across almost all the resources to which the library subscribes. If you are looking for a specific article, just enter the title in RamSearch and if the library has access, you'll see it in the result list! You can find RamSearch on the library home page: https://framingham.edu/academics/henry-whittemore-library/
You can also search for scholarly journal articles in a discipline specific database! To find the most appropriate discipline specific database, use the Subject filter in the Database A-Z list: https://libguides.framingham.edu/az.php
NOTE: A search in any of the resources listed above will return a mix of scholarly and popular resources. To narrow your search to just scholarly materials, use the Scholarly, Academic, or Peer-Reviewed limiters. These limiters can be found in the left-hand or right-hand columns of the database, depending on vendor.