What is the Rams Renew Space?


Students as well as staff and faculty have seen an increase in stress and depression due in part to anxiety, sleep difficulties, colds/flu, etc. The Whittemore Library has created the Rams Renew in an effort to assist others to "destress for success.” It is located on the Upper Mezzanine of the library. In the Rams Renew Space, we have a massage chair, a Verilux Happy Light for light therapy, an Expresso bike, hands-on activities, meditation cushions and yoga mats. For the full-list of resources available in the Wellness Room, check out this guide. You can book the Rams Renew Space for 15, 30, or 45 minutes on this page: https://framingham.libcal.com/reserve/WhittemoreLibrary/RamsRenew.

  • Last Updated Jul 19, 2023
  • Views 61
  • Answered By Katie Sweeney

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